Friday, February 1, 2013

Chicken with a Prolapse and How to fix it!

  This is Kristine, a large fowl Cochin mix.....

As you can see, she has not been feeling very well. Her comb is pale, she is dirty, her tail is down and her undercarriage/butt fluff is caked with poo. 
I have noticed her being this way for about 2 weeks, but have been unable to catch her until yesterday. I promptly flipped her topsy tervey to check out her rump and came to find this.....
This is often called a Prolapse by mistake. Prolapse is a normal part of laying an egg. 

  The oviduct's shell gland, pushes an egg out of the cloaca. It does this by holding onto the egg and prolapsing or turning itself inside out to push the egg out of the vent but then goes back inside the hen. If this tissue stays outside the vent it is a very bad thing and is called Blowout. Or called eversion.

  There are a few ways to fix this but I have found that most people just "cull" the chicken. What I have read, most people use Vaseline or KY jelly to help with pushing it back into the hen. Another thing some use is Preparation H, because it helps with the swelling and makes it easier to push the tissue back in. 
  Also an "old wives tail" solution is honey, Yes, honey. 
Many of these things have worked for many people. But what I have see a lot of is that the blowout will reoccur a few times if not just stay out and that is when the hen needs to be culled. 
 Other things that are needed to help the blowout heal is to put the hen in a clean, dark place by herself and reduce the amount of feed to slow down or stop egg production so that the prolapse has less of a chance to happen again.

 I plan on using honey (because that is what I have) and trying this once or maybe twice if it happens again. But if it continues past that, I will be culling my poor girl.

  Have you had to deal with a blowout? If you have what method did you use and what was the out come?