Monday, February 13, 2012

Today was defiantly a MONDAY, a Monday that had a happy ending. (The appropriate kind)

I was pleased with my self first thing this morning because I woke up 10 minutes earlier than normal. No, not really that big of a deal, but I figured it was a sign of a good day to come......

Got most of the kids off to school without a hitch, but when it came to our oldest, who just came back from vacation in Disney land, it started. He got a bit of a late start on his day, but we got out the door on time but the bus driver apparently did not read the date that Chase would be back to school. So as the bus got closer and he began to get out of the car.......the bus just drove on by.

Good thing we are not that far from the school, I got him there on time!

Now back home where the last of the five is waiting with Daddy for me to get back. Getting him off to school went just fine.

I did my morning online reading and quick browse threw Craigslist, after my morning chores of course, and I came across #1. a female Oberhaslis goat that has already been bred, due in May and they only want $100 for her. Of course she is an hour away but still a great deal. #2. Three "laying" we'll see about that, hens $15 for all of them only 2yrs old. Granted my luck with getting things off of Craigslist is not all that great. But I got really excited anyway hoping to get return phone calls and emails.

I needed to run some errands so I loaded up into my car and got to the end of our driveway, and stopped next to our dumpster to empty the car of garbage. Then I came to realize that some how the car doors got locked. It gets better, although you would think it was good because I was just in our driveway, still at home. We do not have any spare keys for this particular vehicle. Along with that, my purse with all my money was in the car as well as my house keys, and I was blocking the whole driveway. At this point I felt very smart (sarcasm) and my enthusiasm for the day was beginning to fade. The Chief came out and rescued me with some lil car tricks he knows and off I went.

There is hardly ever a day that we catch the first light on our street when it is green, so no surprise that I again today landed at it being very red. But then the four lights on the way to the freeway were apparently all against my today as well. Which is crap cause I always get mostly green lights.

About noon I did get am email regarding the chickens. The man said I could have them and to come get them around 5 or 6pm tonight. Well between chores, dinner, bath time and animals I don't leave my house really after 4. After a few more emails back and fourth it began to look like it just was not going to work, our schedules just were not lining up. So I told him this and thanked him for his time.

I still had not got a call back about the great deal goat, so I figured that she was already gone.

A few hours later, one on top of the other, I got a return call on the goat and now I pick her up on Wednesday, and the guy decided to just bring the chickens to me tonight.

On top of all that, one of my baby goats was not eating as much as I would like until this afternoon. Then he jumped right up and sucked down his full bottle!

All this I thought was going to just be one of those Mondays, but it turned into a happy ending after all!

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