Thursday, March 15, 2012

5 free chicks for me!

I have noticed that between taking care of the kids, husband, animals and the house, I don't put up many blogs about my animal adventures or at least as many as I should.

On one of my many trips picking up free chickens that I found on Craigslist, the woman I got them from told me to check out this feed store. Not only do they deliver for free and only use things from local farmers their prices are not to bad. Just so happens that they were having a free chick event (not the kind of "Chick" that the Chief was hoping for ;o) So while I was in the proses of building my first attempt at an incubator, I went and picked up my 5 free chicks on March 10th. I ordered 3 Barred Rocks and 2 Road Island Reds which just made my urge to incubate my own eggs just that much worse!

I turned my not so great home made "incubator" into a mini brooder for the first week or so. As they get bigger I will move these lil fluff balls into a large tote.
                                  I am not the only fan of our cute little peepers.

It gives you a small heart attack when you see your baby chicks sleeping for the first time, looked like I had a hand full of dead babies!
These two are my most curious lil "girls", any time I tap on the glass they come running up to see what it is. The other three could care less.

So I was doing my normal obsessing over taking pictures of things, this time it was my chicks. When I noticed that one of my RIR chicks has what looks like eye liner. I wanted to take a pic of it to show you guys, but as I tried taking her pic there was this black fuzz that appeared in the right side of the pic.
 I took another and yet again, the black fuzz on the right but it took up more of the pic this time.
(Notice the eye liner? I think I will call her Cher. Why I have not a clue, but that is what came to mind)
As I zoomed out to see what it was I realized that some one is liking the camera attention and wants to be in all the pictures.
       I love the look she is giving me!  "Yes, I am here. You may take my picture, cause I am so fuzzy."

So I leave you tonight with thoughts of lil fuzzies running around peeping joyusly.

And as a side note, I did candle my eggs tonight, but my camera was not cooperating with me. I will try again in another day or so.

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